
@ Pittsburgh Prep

The AP Advantage

Our slate of new summer programs target the most popular Advanced Placement courses to give students the knowledge and advantage needed to conquer their upcoming AP course and AP exam.

Be a leader in your upcoming AP courses next year

  • Reviewing and solidifying all prerequisite knowledge and skills for the AP course

  • Previewing and preparing for AP-style questions which can initially be challenging for students to master

  • Studying and understanding the holistic content of the AP curriculum to make the transition to a rigorous college-level class seamless and without anxiety

  • Access to an expert instructor with over a decade of experience in teaching and creating AP-level curriculum

Our AP Advantage has proven to accomplish the following

  • Prevent the dreaded “Summer Melt” during the summer months due to academic inactivity.

  • Discounted private tutoring for AP classes throughout the entire academic year

  • Discounted AP Test Prep course tuition in the next Spring term to practice and prepare for the AP test

  • Students hit the ground running next year as academic leaders in their AP courses

Our AP Advantage Calculus Instructor

Specializing in applied mathematics, Sherry brings insight and enthusiasm in our AP Advantage Calculus course for our students.

Seats are limited to 12 students!

$899 per class

Pittsburgh Prep

is committed to

Need-based Aid

We firmly believe that economic hardship should never be a barrier to a top-tier education.

We provide financial aid in the form of scholarships and community funds to families in need and never turn students away due to monetary reasons

If you face economic hardship please fill out THIS FORM.