Test Prep

Private Tutoring
Score Your Best

Private Tutoring Overview

Online Learning Portal

Our learning portal includes over 1000 practice questions, as well as pre-recorded video lessons for self-study and reinforcement of all topics.

Digital SAT Practice Exams

Access to simulated dSAT exams that accurately and reliably predict scores.

One-on-One Exam Review

Exam review with an expert instructor with a 99% scoring record to maximize results.

Dedicated Expert Instructor

Our dedicated expert instructors provide personalized guidance and support, empowering students to reach their academic goals and maximize their potential.

Real-time Progress Reports

After every session, families receive a detailed progress report that includes the topics covered, insightful observations, and homework assigned.


Pause, cancel, or change at any time.
No questions asked.

We support students across a range of standardized tests, including

For AP Test Prep, we offer specialized instruction in:
AP Biology, AP Calculus, AP Chemistry, AP Computer Science, AP Language, AP Literature, AP Physics, AP U.S. History, AP World History.

Our students achieve an average improvement of 1 point on their AP exams, highlighting our commitment to effective, results-driven support.

Private Tutoring Options - Each session is 50 minutes with an expert instructor

  • Test Prep Club 1: One 50 minute weekly session at $179 per week

  • Test Prep Club 2: Two 50 minute weekly sessions at $339 per week

  • Test Prep Club 3: Three 50 minute weekly sessions at $479 per week

Many thanks to both Hoon and Josh for their invaluable mentoring and efforts in PSAT and SAT tutoring for my son. He scored a perfect 1600 on the SAT and a perfect 1520 on PSAT!

Ready To Start Private Tutoring?