Test Prep

Private Tutoring
Score Your Best

Private Tutoring Overview

Online Learning Portal

Our learning portal includes over 1000 practice questions, as well as pre-recorded video lessons for self-study and reinforcement of all topics.

Digital SAT Practice Exams

Access to simulated dSAT exams that accurately and reliably predict scores.

One-on-One Exam Review

Exam review with an expert instructor with a 99% scoring record to maximize results.

Dedicated Expert Instructor

Our dedicated expert instructors provide personalized guidance and support, empowering students to reach their academic goals and maximize their potential.

Real-time Progress Reports

After every session, families receive a detailed progress report that includes the topics covered, insightful observations, and homework assigned.


Pause, cancel, or change at any time.
No questions asked.

Private Tutoring Options - Each session is 50 minutes with an expert instructor

  • Test Prep Club 1: One 50 minute weekly session at $179 per week

  • Test Prep Club 2: Two 50 minute weekly sessions at $339 per week

  • Test Prep Club 3: Three 50 minute weekly sessions at $479 per week

"I feel like tutoring has helped me because it slows down the process of learning until you can really understand what’s going on and actually learn."

Ready To Start Private Tutoring?